Refereed Journal Articles 2022-2023

Refereed Journal Articles

1. Chan, K. W. K. (2022). The Grammaticalization of Causative Verbs in Chinese Dialects. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 12(6), 709-738.

2. Chan, K. W. K. (2022). The grammaticalization of liangge in Chinese dialects: A language contact perspective. Yuyanxue Luncong 语⾔学论丛, 65, 58-84.

3. Chan, K. W. K., & Xiang, H. (2022). The medial and postpositional conjunctions in Longshan Tujia. Minzu Yuwen ⺠族语⽂, 2, 11-23.

4. Chen, S., Zhang, C., Lau, P., Yang, Y., & Li, B. (2022). Modelling representations in speech normalization of prosodic cues. Scientific Reports, 12, 14635.

5. Fan, X., & Chan, K. W. K. (2022). Grammatical properties of ZO in Hong Kong Cantonese: A comparative study with LE1 in Beijing Mandarin. Language and Linguistics 23(3), 371-410.

6. Lam, G. (2022). An evaluation of community care services for the elderly in Hong Kong. Public Administration and Policy: An Asia-Pacific Journal, 25(3), 336-349.

7. Lam, G. (2023). An evaluation of the Pilot Scheme on Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly in Hong Kong. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 1-12.

8. Lam, G. (2023). Shortage of nurses in Hong Kong: the challenges ahead. Asian Education and Development Studies, 12(1), 89-102.

9. Lam, G., & Chung, E. Y.-H. (2022). Mental health services in Hong Kong: development of communitybased inclusive development practice faced with the cultural barriers. Mental Health Review Journal, 27(4), 426-436.

10. Lau, B. H. P., Huang, Y.-t., Forth, M., Gietal-Basten, S. (in press). Does Same-Sex Marriage Legalization Make Gay Men Want to Have Children? Findings from a Panel Study in Taiwan. Sexuality Research and Social Policy.

11. Law, M., Ng, M., Lam, L., & Cui, X. (2023, April). Assessing Streamer Attributes: The Role of Trust in Purchase Intention for Live E-Commerce. In Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce: Fourth International Conference, 2023 (pp. 53-61). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

12. Liu, J. (Forthcoming) Silencing and Reconstructing Female Voice in Translated Literature: A Study of the English and French Translations of Mulan Ci (<⽊蘭辭> “The Ballad of Mulan”). Critical Arts.

13. Liu, J. (Forthcoming) Caught In-between: Chinese Feminism in Contemporary Script Writing for TV Dramas. In Pillai T. and Seethaler I. (ed.), Routledge Companion to Global Women's Writing. Routledge.

14. Liu, K., Kwok, H. L., Liu, J., & Cheung, A. K. F. (2022) Sustainability and Influence of Machine Translation: Perceptions and Attitudes of Translation Instructors and Learners in Hong Kong. Sustainability, 14, 6399.

15. Liu, J. (2022) Beyond the Gender Binary: An Analysis of the Representation of Androgyny in Wang Xifeng. In Moratto, R, Liu, K, & Chao, D. (Eds.) Dream of the Red Chamber: Literary and Translation Perspectives. New York: Routledge.

16. (In Chinese) Liu, J. and Zhu, L. Review of Research Methods in Legal Translation and Interpreting: Crossing Methodological Boundaries Edited by Biel, Łucja, Jan Engberg, M. Rosario Martín Ruano, and Vilelmini Sosoni. Abingdon, Oxon UK; New York, NY: Routledge, 2019. 215 pages. ISBN 9781351031226. Teaching and Research of Translation 翻譯教學與研究第⼗輯, P173-178.

17. Liu, J. & Zhu, L. (2022) Review of When Translation Goes Digital: Case Studies and Critical Reflections Edited by Renée Desjardins, Claire Larsonneur and Philippe Lacour. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research.

18. Pat. Y. C. L.*, Lau, H. P. B., Ng, C. K. J., & Fu, W. (Accepted). The association between stress exposure, traumatic stress and post-traumatic growth among Hong Kong young adults under the “Double-hit” of Social Unrest and COVID-19. In Chan, A. C. K. et al (Eds.), Cultivating, Promoting, and Enhancing Meaning in Life Across Cultures and the Life Span. [To be published]

19. Tang, C. S. K., Siu, T. S. U., Chow, T. S., & Kwok, H. S. H. (2023). The role of family resilience and pandemic burnout on mental health: A two-wave study in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(5), 3803.

20. Wong, K. K. (Accepted) Studying Literary Translations in Periodicals: Methodological Reflection and Case Studies from the 1970-80s in Hong Kong. Babel: International Journal of Translation

21. Wong, K. K. (Accepted) Lyricism across languages: Poetry translations of Leung Ping-kwan and Ng Huibin in Hong Kong periodicals in the 1970s. In Tzu-yu Lin (ed.), Multiculturalism, Literature and Translation in East Asia. London: Routledge

22. Yang, Y. (2023). First Language Attrition and Second Language Attainment of Mandarin-speaking Immigrants in Hong Kong: Evidence from Prosodic Focus. Language Acquisition, 30(2), 201-203.

23. Yin, M. X. C., Chan, J. S. M., Lau, B. H. P., Leung, P. P. Y., Gao, S., Yuen, L. P., Chan, C. L. W., & Ng, S. M. (2023). A self-administered moxibustion-cum-massage intervention for older adults with chronic pain in the community: A randomized controlled trial. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 72, 102908.

24. Zhou, D. H. R. , Tang, L. K., Chui, Y. H. et al. (In Press) Introduction of Narrative Life Design for Youth with Early Psychosis in Hong Kong during Covid-19, Hong Kong Journal of Mental Health.

25. 許建業〈宣傳與爭訟:題李攀⿓《唐詩訓解》和刻本的出版信息〉,《東亞漢學研究》第12號(2022年12⽉)

26. 許建業〈題李攀⿓《唐詩選》在晚明與江戶時期的⽂本流衍〉,查清華主編:《東亞唐詩學研究論集》(上海:上海辭書出版社,2023年2⽉)。

27. 許建業〈⽂⼈與義⼠之間:明代⾦華地區鄉賢編寫中的駱賓王〉,《⼈⽂中國學報》第36期(2023年6⽉)。